Michael lluberes
songs about stuff
Music & Lyrics by Wally Pleasant
Conceived and Directed by Michael Lluberes
World Premiere
Flint Repertory Theatre
Welcome to the hilarious world of Mid-Michigan Singer-Songwriter Wally Pleasant! This intimate world premiere musical revue is an offbeat celebration of his music, humor and quirky way of looking at the world.
Musical Direction by Brian Buckner
Scenic Design by Shane Cinal
Costume Design by Katherine Nelson
Lighting Design by Chelsie McPhilimy
Sound Design by Scott Griffus
Cast: Joshua M. Cornea, Amanda Kuo, Mary Paige Rieffel, Gage Webster
Photos by Mike Naddeo
“Unadulterated fun! …A love letter to Gen X’ers! …It will remind you of all that is quirky, fun and good about the world.”
-Encore Michigan
“Sensational! This one of a kind theatrical event will leave you in stitches! …A show about love, life, and all the weird stuff that happens along the way. …This truly was a refreshing night of theatre. …Flint Rep should be congratulated on an incredible world premiere of such a relatable show!”
-Flint Stages